Scheme Rules
Managing Agencies and Private Training Providers are to ensure that the SPADAC Modern Apprenticeship Agreement is completed by the relevant parties within eight weeks of starting. Employers are to forward the Agreement together with payment to SPADAC at the Scottish Decorators’ Federation in Stirling. Download a Modern Apprenticeship agreement.
Upon receipt of the Agreement and payment, the registrar will enter the apprentice details onto the registration system and also input the year that a Skills Test will be due.
The system generated apprentice number will be sent to the Managing Agency and Employer with the proposed Skills Test year.
It is the responsibility of Managing Agencies and Private Training Providers to ensure that the SPADAC Registrar is informed of any changes to status or contact details of the apprentice.
The SPADAC Registrar is to monitor the registration system and print off apprentice names, which are eligible for a Skills Test in a given year. This print-off must take place nine months prior to the event to ensure Apprentices stay in the time served criteria. The print-off is to be sent to CITB for use when checking Apprentices against Skills Test Booking-on-forms.
Managing Agencies are to book candidates onto the Skills Test using the booking-on-form. CITB will check the Apprentice against the SPADAC print-off and then allocate a test. There will be no allocation of a test if the Apprentice is not registered with SPADAC.
Upon receipt of the Marking Schedules, CITB will result the Apprentice within 10 working days.
CITB will inform Employers and SPADAC of the result from the marking schedule by letter. The letter is produced from the Skills Test system and is a standard layout.
Upon receipt of the result, the SPADAC Registrar is to update the registration system with the result and date of occurrence.
CITB will inform employers of new test dates for failed Apprentices and it is the employer’s responsibility to inform the Apprentice of the date, time and location of the new test.
The following scheme rules apply to the SPADAC Registrar and the Awarding Body Partnership.
Upon receipt of the Skills Test result from CITB, the SPADAC Registrar is to update the registration system and identify if the Apprentice is within the qualifying period to be resulted.
If the Apprentice is in the qualifying period, the SPADAC Registrar is to send the result to the Awarding Body Partnership to be entered onto the qualification system as a unit achievement towards the full qualification.
If the Apprentice has not met the qualifying period then the Registrar is to hold the result until the time served criteria is met and then result to the Awarding Body Partnership.
The following scheme rules apply to SPADAC and appointed Industry Accredited Assessors Trainer and Industry Accredited Assessors.
To ensure the standardisation of marking of the Painting and Decorating Skills Test, an appointed trainer has been identified who will train all new assessors and update existing assessors.
SPADAC will approve new Industry Accredited Assessors who submit a CV with references covering the following criteria
- Be an employer within the Painting & Decorating Industry Scotland
- Have a knowledge of the Qualification Structure and National Occupational Standards
- Have Apprentices or an understanding of the Modern Apprenticeship
- Be able to allocate time to mark Skills Test
- Other criteria as agreed by SPADAC
SPADAC will arrange a training period with the trainers at a Skills Test Centre after liaison with CITB. The training will take place after a live Skills Test and the marking schedule will be used.
CITB will provide a payment detail form for all new assessors and this will be used to place the assessor onto the database. CITB will allocate Skills Tests to be marked and pay the Industry Accredited Assessor a marking fee.
The following scheme rules apply to SPADAC, Scottish Decorators’ Federation, UCATT, CITB and the Awarding Body Partnership.
SPADAC will have in place an appeals procedure for apprentices who wish to appeal against the registration and resulting system.
The appeals panel will be set up by SPADAC and include the following:
- Scottish Decorators’ Federation
- Union representation UCATT
- Awarding Body Partnership
SPADAC will ensure that the appeals panel is informed of an appeal when all avenues have been investigated. SPADAC will inform the appeal panel within 10 working days of the date of appeal to be heard.
SPADAC will ensure that minutes and an accurate record of the appeal is taken and held at its Head Office in Stirling.
The following scheme rules apply to the SPADAC Registrar and Financial Accountant.
- The SPADAC Registrar is to notify the Financial Accountant of any non-payment of the Registration Fee.
- Non-payment letters are to be sent to the employer who will be informed that the registration of the Apprentice will not take place until payment is received. This will affect time-served criteria and notification of a Skills Test.
- The SPADAC Registrar is to remove the Apprentice from the registration system for non-payment, informing the Employer and Apprentice.
The following scheme rules apply to SPADAC, Awarding Body Partnership, Scottish Decorators’ Federation (Education), CITB and UCATT.
- The Liaison Committee will meet quarterly or when required to discuss the Registration Scheme and components of the scheme.
The following is a suggested agenda but may change prior to the day
- The following is a suggested agenda but may change prior to the day
- Introduction and Welcome – CEO SPADAC
- Minutes & Apologies – SPADAC
- Registration Scheme Statistics – SPADAC
- Employers Requirements – SPADAC
- Certification Statistics – SQA Awarding Body
- SQA Qualification Update – SQA Awarding Body
- Modern Apprenticeship Update – CITB
- NOS Development & Incremental Change – CITB
- Date of next meeting – SPADAC
- The Liaison Committee may be called if issues arise around the scheme outside of its normal quarterly period.